Pruning cucumber plants download free
Pruning cucumber plants download free

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Some factors limiting the productivity of Nigerian soils for cucumber production include low fertility, slope, poor effective depth, stoniness/high gravel content and low nutrient/moisture retention. Although commercial (large scale) production is also practiced under plantation farming. Cucumber production in Nigeria is usually under small scale production. Like most vegetables, its production is profitable due to high amount of cash income per unit area compared to some other crops. Others are citrus, mango, African star apple, watermelon, banana, avocado pear and pineapple rank among major crops in Nigeria. Due to its importance, it ranks among major horticultural crops cultivated in Nigeria. Cucumber production in Nigeria is majorly for local consumption, although Nigerian cucumbers are sometimes exported to neighbouring countries of West Africa like Chad, Cameroun, Niger and Benin Republics. They are consumed fresh, as desserts in after meals, juice or in combination with other food materials. According to, cucumber production has the capacity to enhance agricultural production, economic empowerment and food security. Cucumber and other fruit and leafy vegetables are in high demand because of their nutritional and economic values.

pruning cucumber plants download free

Demand for vitamins and minerals are highly dependent on vegetables.

Pruning cucumber plants download free